Many people have been upset and disappointed over our election results. Many of them have chastised relatives and friends for making their choice, which they expressed was one made for the “isms”, against freedoms etc.
If we are able to look a little further, now that some time has passed, and the initial shock has pretty much worn off, there were reasons, issues, rather than voting for the person, or the kind of person who will become our president. These meant more to them. A large majority of people were hurting financially, unable to meet basic needs for themselves and their families. Others felt Israel was not being fully supported by the present administration. Others had other motives. A majority of voters wanted more from their government, and are not extremists who support the “isms”.
What our country needs now is unity — the kind that promotes people with different beliefs. Most people wouldn’t denigrate people of different religions beliefs. If we become united, and kick the dividedness still present in our country, we will be able to accomplish and maintain the freedoms most Americans want in the face of any attempt to undermine them. United we stand is a basic American principle.
We need the peace only such unity can bring between our citizens.