This is something often difficult to achieve.

There are many causes.

1. Financial problems
2. Difficulties in relationships.
3. Difficulties in a career or moving ahead with a project
4. The current political atmosphere

You can probably add many more reasons for feeling unsettled.

There is no simple solution or one size fits all. However, achieving peace of mind is dependent on developing an attitude-NO EASY TASK.

How do we develop an attitude which will convince us we can only do so much about these anxiety producers? The following method is something to consider. I am not suggesting it is a foolproof approach.

Questions to be asked and answered in your own head:

1. What have I done to deal with this problem?
2. What else can I do?
3. How much is under my control?

*Keep in mind your reactions are within your control*

A Road to Mind Tranquility.

1. Once you have answered these questions, repeat your answers out loud several times.(Do this privately)
2. Each answer becomes an affirmation, something you are offering your mind to accept. The use of affirmations may act as mind tranquilizers and may bring you some peace.

This is a method used reduce the level of anger, another powerful emotion. It may also be helpful in reducing situational anxiety. It certainly is worth a try!

Feel free to let me know if this idea is helpful or not.