Problem Solving as an Anger Manager

Oftentimes, things happen — tragedies or results of actions taken or not taken, causing many people to blame someone or something. This method of dealing with these events is certainly understandable. It is a way people channel their anger or disagreement in some direction.

However, what does it really accomplish? It fuels a different type of fire, which really doesn’t need to be ignited. It’s in my estimation, a waste of time and energy, leading to division between people and offers no resolution.

So, Instead, Another Possible Direction

Whatever happened needs to be addressed with ALL hands working to solve the issue. Ending its impact should be the sole focus of our efforts. Once whatever happened runs its course, the next step is to find its cause, or examine its effectiveness. Finally, changes need to be made in the future to bring about more lasting and more positive results.

My overall thinking: United We Stand, divided we achieve less positive results in our society. Opinions can differ, and rightfully so. However, listening to others and really hearing what they have to say, leads to understanding which, in turn, can lead to better, more satisfying decisions and the resolution of many of the problems we face. It’s not a matter of a sole opinion being right and the other being wrong. It’s getting the best possible solution people with differing opinions can devise.

As copy in an ad said, (I don’t remember what the product is)
” Try It, You’ll Like it!”