If you are someone who wants to write and are not sure how to go about it, here are sources I’ve used in my own writing career.
. Observations of people you know, feel inspired to describe. For me, at a very early age, it was a mailman or others who have survived many of life’s setbacks.
. Experiences you’ve had. Family members and situations, health challenges, career or lessons your own life has taught you. For me family situations and my own and late wife’s illnesses.
. Knowledge of subjects you are familiar and want inform others about based on life experiences or specific areas of interest or proficiency. For me, it was in my career as a high school guidance counselor who trained teens to become peer mediators and the knowledge I gained about conflict and anger management during that time.
. Interests, discovered in reading about particular kinds of subjects which may also serve as the basis for particular television shows or movies. For me I enjoy reading about and seeing shows devoted to solving crimes and police work.
. Creating situations based on beliefs about a variety of subjects. For me it was believing there is an afterlife in which people find themselves existing in a pleasant environment in which they are joined by others.
These ideas will hopefully remove the initial roadblock for writers, getting started.
Good Luck and Best Wishes for a Productive Writing Career! (Let me know if any of these ideas helped you get started)