
What Happens When We Pass

Before you fall asleep, what’s the last thought you have? Are you thinking about that meeting scheduled at 9:35 am? Or the romantic candlelight dinner with your spouse that was long due? Or, is it in excitement to have the whole day to yourself doing something you really enjoy doing? But have you ever thought, […]

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Afterlife and Hope

What keeps us going in life? The wholesome sound of laughter from the living room downstairs, the sight of fireworks, or is it the reassuring thought that you will get up in the morning to see the sunrise and do life again? Take a moment to reflect and cherish the moment as you read this

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We previously described body language, tone of voice and words as ways to determine what a person says needs to be substantiated by how it is said and what their body language tells us. Let’s look at ways we can hear how accurately what people say to us and what we say to them is



As a writer, as a partner in a relationship, as a parent, grandparent….and in so many other relationships communicating effectively and accurately is the means not only for understanding and being understood, it also prevents any harm to those you care about. We communicate in a variety of ways effecting how others may or may


What can I write about?

If you are someone who wants to write and are not sure how to go about it, here are sources I’ve used in my own writing career. . Observations of people you know, feel inspired to describe. For me, at a very early age, it was a mailman or others who have survived many of

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Many people have very different and often conflicting beliefs about so many things. Sports Teams: New York Yankee fan–Boston Red Sox fan Religion: The Jewish Religion-The Catholic Religion Politics: Republican—Democrat However, even with these sources of disagreement there are areas of commonality. Sports: Fans of both teams enjoy the game of baseball. Religion: Different religions